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PCU Softball Club

Parklands Christchurch United is a family orientated softball club which delivers enjoyable softball and excellence from high level elite to tee-ball through first-class management systems, leadership, coaching and facilities.
PCU is a sustainable club with a good strong club plan, policies and procedures to guide us into the future. PCU is also a proud member of Eastern Community Sport and Recreation Inc.
PCU Softball Club calls all past, present and new players.
With winter sports completed, are you thinking about what activity you or your children may want to get involved in over summer? You might be looking at finding a sport that your winter team can join, or maybe just as an individual or with a friend.
PCU Softball Club has been supporting the eastern suburbs of Christchurch for over 50 years and has the history and experience to match.
We offer teeball through to softball at all levels and ages, from four years old to seniors.
We have mixed Teeball for the four to six year olds and boys and girls. Teeball for the six to nine year olds. Players then progress through the grades to little league, junior league, seniors, mixed social and premiers. Games are played on a Saturday with trainings during the week. All gear and a playing shirt are supplied. All you need to bring is shorts and a softball glove.
PCU is also proud to be a member of the Eastern Community Sports and Recreation Incorporated and this season we will be offering our teams the chance to train on both the indoor training facility and Eastern Canopy. We are also very excited about new diamond which was built at Rāwhiti Domain and opened in 2022.
If you want to belong to a proactive, friendly, family focused club, then come along and join us.
We welcome past and new players of all ages.
A. PO Box 35131, Shirley, Christchurch 8640 | 17 Rawhiti Avenue, New Brighton, Christchurch 8083
|P. 03 383 1630
E. pcusoftballchch [AT] gmail [DOT] com
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